Open Beehive Demonstration

BeehiveHave you ever wondered what the inside of a working beehive looks like? Well, your chance to see live bees working and preparing for spring is here. On Saturday, January, 21st at 2:00 p.m., the Wakulla County 4-H hives will be used for an open hive demonstration. We will discuss small hive beetle control, winter stores and feeding as well as look for the queen. At this time of year, beekeepers are preparing the hives to expand their populations as well as check for mite loads and queen health. No special equpment is necessary to attend and we will have a few extra light veils available for a small donation to Wakulla County 4-H. Anyone interested is encouraged to come to the Arbor Day Celebration in Hudson Park and stop by the Wakulla County Extension Office Booth for more information on beekeeping. All participants are asked to meet at the Extension Office parking lot at 2:00 p.m. There will also be a question and answer session after the demonstration for anyone interested in learning how to become a beekeeper. For more information call Sherri Kraeft at 926-3931 or


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Posted: January 17, 2012

Category: Agriculture, Farm Management, Horticulture

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