IFAS T4 Training Hub
Select your role under Training Resources and click on one of the videos or cheat sheets.
To report broken links or request a new training resource, go to webteam@ifas.ufl.edu.
Last Updated: 02/11/2025
Moderators - Extension
Getting Started
If you are modifying the Extension template, review the following tutorials.
- Overview UF/IFAS Extension Template
- Building a Basic T4 Website With Grab and Go Templates (7:00)
- Building a Basic T4 Website Step-By-Step (1:00:29)
In T4, How Do I?
- Edit Text on a Page/Section (1:53)
- Add an Image to a Section/Page (1:00)
- Duplicate a Page/Section/Design Layout (1:48)
- Delete Content (1:52)
- Mirror Content (2:10)
- The Hamburger Main Menu (3:00)
- t4 Media Library - Overview (3:23)
- t4 Media Library - Tips and Tricks (1:58)
- Link Content - Overview (3:10)
- Link Content - Advanced (2:34)
- Add Classes and Keyboard Shortcuts (17:30)
Getting Started
If you are modifying the Non-Extension template, review the following tutorials.
In T4, How Do I?
- Edit Text on a Page/Section (1:53)
- Add an Image to a Section/Page (1:00)
- Duplicate a Page/Section/Design Layout (1:48)
- Delete Content (1:52)
- Mirror Content (2:10)
- t4 Media Library - Overview (3:23)
- t4 Media Library - Tips and Tricks (1:58)
- Link Content - Overview (3:10)
- Link Content - Advanced (2:34)
Contributors have particular access to the T4 system. Currently, Contributors can only do the following.
- Update text in an existing section
- Add and update images in an existing section or through the media gallery
- Save all updates as “draft.”
In T4, How Do I?
- Edit Text on a Page/Section (1:53)
- Link Content - Overview (3:10)
- Add an Image to a Section/Page (1:00)
- t4 Media Library - Overview (3:23)
- t4 Media Library - Tips and Tricks (1:58)
- Accessibility Strategies for Online Communications (42:57sec)
- Accessibility For Web Writers/Editors (2 minutes)
Accessibility Cheat Sheets & Quick Guides
- Accessibility Cheat Sheet for content providers, editors, writers, and web moderators (2 minutes)
- Making images and tables accessible (2 minutes)
- Accessibility Quick Guide for Writers and Editors (3 minutes)
- Five point checklist included that gives a quick answer on when and when not to add Alternative Text (2 minutes)
- UF/IFAS Color Guide (3 minutes)
- WEBAIM: Contrast Checker (tool)
- WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (10 minutes)
- UF EIT accessibility compliance (tools)
- UF Electronic Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy (5 minutes)
Other Resources
- Web Images: Effective Use - Compressing Images (TinyPng - tool)
- IFAS Web T4 Template Accessibility (3 minutes)
- Demo: T4 Shortcuts, Snippets, Oh My (17:30)
- Word Counter (tool)
What Is T4?
TERMINALFOUR (T4) is the official UF/IFAS Web Content Management System (WCMS). A WCMS is used to make website edits and build web pages without using code.
How Can I Get Started With T4?
- Go here and take the Mandatory UF T4 training.
- Contact therron@ufl.edu to get Added To TERMINALFOUR. If you have not taken the T4 training, check no and take the training. If yes, then fill out and submit the form. Once training is complete, fill out the form. The onboarding process can take up to 3 weeks.
To avoid delays: Complete the T4 training, identify your DSA, and complete steps 1 and 2 before reaching out to IFAS Web Services.
When you are in the T4 system, you will receive an email from UF and UF/IFAS Web Services. - Respond to the UF/IFAS Welcome to T4 email.
- Take the Mandatory UF/IFAS Training - Please note that attending a training session is a prerequisite to editing web pages using TERMINALFOUR (t4). Training provides an opportunity to ask questions of various web team members and receive live demonstrations of new and existing content pieces that you can master to create engaging and impactful web pages and websites.
Getting Started
Please note that the tutorials below contain advanced concepts and assume prior mastery of the concepts found under the "Moderators - Non-Extension" section. If you're working on modifying the Non-Extension white template, take a look at these additional tutorials to gain a deeper understanding of other T4 concepts within an IFAS template.
Bulk Upload
Meta Data
Building Multi-Column Layouts
Complex Layouts are based on rows that contain columns that allow you to create multi-column layouts.
Using Filters With Muli-Column Layouts
Add and Control (Show/Hide) What Complex Layout Pieces appear a page.
- Review The Tutorial
- Working Sample Page.
- Contact webteam@ifas.ufl.edu for starter content.
Creating Serialized Content
Add serialized content to your website.
- Review The Tutorial
- See A Live Example
- Contact webteam@ifas.ufl.edu for starter content.