Have you ever heard the phrase, “momma needs a minute”? I am sure some of you are thinking momma needs more than a minute, as parents begin to juggle homeschool and work. Parents went from juggling homework, ball practices and family schedules, to practicing social distancing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parent/Teacher Has a Whole New Meaning
One of the biggest changes is the closure of schools and implementation of distance learning, which effectively mea ns many moms, dads, and extended family members have to add “homeschool teacher” to their resumes. The reality of this is we are in uncharted waters together. Parents are becoming jugglers of homeschooling, while continuing to work. The reality is, we shouldn’t judge our schools or our homeschool practices on what other people are doing. Give yourself permission to ratchet down the need for perfection and allow your kids to learn new things while being at home.
Learning New Skills
Kids learn and develop so many skills through imagination, creativity and curiosity. Allow your child to take apart electronic devices that were otherwise being disposed so they can see how things are built. This will foster an engineering mindset. Teach your children how to plant a garden, how to clean the house, fold clothes, de-weed the flower bed, and cook the family meal.
Teach your kid to enjoy rituals at home that they can use well into their adult life. Create a family routine that will help your family remain sane during this time. Find ways to motivate your children to learn and develop.
Renegotiate your relationship with your child now that you are their teacher and find what motivates them. I am sure some of you have shed tears of frustration over homework and now over homeschool. It is a grief for both of you and your child. Recognize their daily routines and relationships developed through their school time have been turned upside down. Find ways to connect with your child and learn new things together as a family. At the end of the day, you want to raise an adult. Don’t be a micromanager of their schoolwork.
Allow your children to set the standard for what they want to achieve. This in turn will teach them to work for their grades and recognize when they have not done their very best. Some of the best advice for surviving homeschooling is that we are all in an unprecedented moment and no one is going to do it perfectly. The success is you got it done, not that you did it the perfect way. Lastly, find time to have a moment for yourself, because we all know “momma needs a minute”.
On Twitter, you will find parents commenting about their homeschool journey. Here are just a few that i found rather humorous:
“me: *at every parent/teacher conference ever* I want passion in my kids, a joie de vivre, the desire to question everything”
“me: *homeschooling day 1* just sit down, shut up, and I’ll ask the questions”
“Two weeks into homeschool and my 9 year old has already broken the world record for longest amount of time spent on sharpening a pencil.”
“I learned to appreciate parents who homeschool, once I was forced to become one.”