- The fig wax scale, Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus), was first discovered in Florida in 1994
- Talhouk (1975) reported the presence of this scale in the Mediterranean region
- In North America, it appears that it is only established in Florida (United States)
- This scale is deeply encased in pinkish-gray wax

- Treatment (Table 1) should be used for full coverage.
- Scale insects can’t move at all or only slightly, so direct contact is necessary.
- If only a few trees are affected, the best way to treat them is with a mobile sprayer or some other focused application tool.
- At first, you won’t be able to tell the difference between live and dead scales.
- It will also look like the spray didn’t work if crawlers start to hatch.
Table 1. Recommended chemical controls for scales, mealybugs, whiteflies, and aphids.
Source: Soft-Bodies Insects Attacking Foliage and Fruit