Congratulations to Florida Master Naturalists in St. Lucie County. Between 2014-2022, Master Naturalists have volunteered a total of 8,557 hours valued at $200,219.
“*Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2021 Florida data from the Independent Sector ( the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $26.32. In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension program by dedicating their time, skills, talents and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty. The estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour was $27.68 in 2021, $26.32 in 2020, $24.93 in 2019, $24.04 in 2018, $23.33 in 2017, $22.70 in 2016, 22.08 in 2015, $21.61 in 2014, and $21.24 in 2013.
If you are a graduate of the Florida Master Naturalist Program conducted in St. Lucie County, you can report your volunteer service here. Volunteer service is the lifeblood of the UF/IFAS Extension program and your service to the community is greatly appreciated. Please click the link below to begin entering the data for your volunteer report.
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