Doctoral candidates Shane Feyers and Gretchen Stokes along with Vanessa Hull, assistant professor of wildlife ecology and conservation, have authored a book chapter. It appears in the new Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners: The Essential Toolbox from Edward Elgar Publishing. The book’s description reads:
“Offering how-to tools and step-by-step guidance, this practical Handbook combines academic insight with extensive professional experience to outline best practice in undertaking environmental, socio-cultural and economic assessments that establish the feasibility of new tourism ventures and ascertains their impact over time.”
The SNRE trio’s contribution covers “Biodiversity and Stressors Rapid Assessment.”
“Nature-based tourism can have substantial positive or negative impacts on natural systems, including biodiversity,” Feyers said. “The chapter provides standardized procedures that tourism operators can use to assess the baseline biological conditions of a site, establish objectives and priorities for the use of biodiversity, and monitor the resulting impacts.”
The chapter also presents reference information to evaluate use and minimize negative externalities of operators and visitors on biodiversity.
More information about the Handbook, released in April 2021, is here: