Meet a Master Gardener Volunteer Series: UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County Twin Lakes Demonstration Gardens

Meet a Master Gardener

Welcome to our “Meet a Master Gardener Volunteer” blog series, where we spotlight the dedicated individuals who make a significant impact in our community through their passion for horticulture and education. Today, we are excited to introduce Cindi Nemitz, a true “jill of all trades”. Cindi embodies the spirit of a volunteer, generously giving her time and energy to support a wide array of activities. From designing and installing new demonstration gardens and leading tours, to creating engaging displays for educational outreach events, to mentoring new volunteers, Cindi has a hand in just about everything our program touches. Her exceptional ability to build teams and lead by example has earned her a nomination for MGV President for the coming year. We are thrilled to see the Master Gardener Volunteer program continue to blossom with Cindi’s special touch, as she brings her unique blend of knowledge, leadership, and dedication to our community.

Master Gardener Volunteers at Firefest
Master Gardener Volunteers at Sarasota County’s annual Firefest (2024). Left to right: Ashley Ellis, Residential Horticulture Agent, MGV Cindi Nemitz, MGV JoAnn Glazewski, Smokey and MGV Linda Collins.

paper owlsA closeup of three sweet paper screech owls made by Cindi to support educational outreach events like Audubon’s annual Rookery Fest in Venice, FL.

Tell us something about yourself, and what sparked your interest in gardening

I grew up in North Florida, living seven miles outside of a very small town, at the end of a long red clay dirt road, that would wash out during a good rain.  The name of the road was Possum Ridge.  There were only three houses on our winding, hilly road, with a mile and a half between each home.  We lived on twenty-five acres of beautiful, peaceful land, with a fresh water spring fed stream, that was out in the boondocks, and I loved it!  No computers, tv was only for Saturday mornings or a short time in the evening after diner.  I spent most of my days outside checking out all the weird pitcher plants in the swamp, fishing, catching bugs and snakes and taking naps under large pine trees.

My father’s side of the family has been in Florida since the 1830’s, so we are a hardy bunch!  Nature is and always has been a huge part of my life, so gardening was just the next step.  There is nothing more satisfying to me now, than eating something from my own yard or watching all of the animals living, eating and starting their own families in the spaces that I have created here for them.

Master Gardener Volunteer Cindi Nemitz helping at Plant Sale
Master Gardener Volunteer Cindi Nemitz helping at the annual MGV Plant Sale (2023).

Tell us about the UF/IFAS Sarasota Extension Twin Lakes Park Demonstration Gardens

Guided tours at the Twin Lakes Park Demonstration Gardens are led by MGVs and are offered the third Monday of every month at 10 AM. The tours provide a hands-on learning experience for gardening enthusiasts of all levels. Registration for the next tour is available through Eventbrite. Tours are free of charge. Registrants are encouraged to come with note taking materials (appropriate for a walking tour), comfortable clothing, hats, sunscreen, closed-toed shoes, and drinking water.

During these tours, visitors can see firsthand Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM techniques and plant selections that thrive in our local environment. The gardens showcase various site conditions or themes, including a pollinator garden, native plant garden, bioswale, snowbird garden, container gardens and FFL trees and shrubs garden. The newest addition is a shade garden, designed and installed by Cindi Nemitz. This garden is specifically designed to demonstrate what can be grown in low-light conditions, offering practical solutions for gardeners facing similar challenges. It even features some edibles like jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), pomegranate (Punica granatum) and chickasaw plum (Prunus angustifolia).

image of shade garden with plants
Cindi’s shade garden featuring a water source for wildlife, deep mulch and a diversity of shade tolerant plants, like bush clockvine (Thunbergia erecta), blue salvia (Salvia farinaceae) and scarlet sage (Salvia coccinea).

Additionally, we are eagerly anticipating the addition of a new coastal garden, which will highlight native plants that thrive in our coastal areas. Given Sarasota’s extensive coastline, this new garden will serve as inspiration for those looking to cultivate beautiful and resilient coastal landscapes.

We invite you to join us for the next Twin Lakes Demonstration Garden tour and meet the incredible Cindi Nemitz in person. Her expertise, enthusiasm, and dedication to horticulture make her an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their gardening skills.  Sign up for a tour today and discover how you can bring Florida-friendly gardening practices into your own backyard. We look forward to seeing you there!

image of demonstration garden tour
MGV Eileen Mahoney hosting tour participants through the snowbird garden. This garden features low-maintenance plants that remain beautiful throughout the winter months.

Cindi Nemitz co-authored this post, supplying written answers for questions posed by UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County.


Ashley Ellis, Residential Horticulture Agent and Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator in Sarasota County.
Posted: July 25, 2024

Category: Community Volunteers, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Demonstration Garden, FFL, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscape, MeetAnMGV, MGV, Pgm_HortRes, UFSaraExt_MGV

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