Sara-Bay Financial goes Green (Business)

We’re proud to announce our latest Green Business partner: Sara-Bay Financial.

About Sara-Bay Financial

A Sarasota registered investment advisor, founded in 1993, Sara-Bay Financial offers both growth and dividend income options, ranging from individual stocks or low-cost ETF (exchange-traded fund) portfolios. Sara-Bay Financial bills itself as a truly independent firm, not associated with any fund company or products, allowing the freedom to choose from a wide range of investment options solely based on what is best for the client. The company operates as a fee-only firm, and strives for complete transparency.

Green initiatives

As a Green Business Partnership member, Sara-Bay Financial is looking to make a positive impact on the local community. Starting with staff, Sara-Bay has developed company policies and encourages employees to be involved with suggesting environmental initiatives. The company has a recycling program that encourages participation, and looks to set up programs to eliminate and recycle materials within their office including printer cartridges and shredded paper. Company leaders also are considering the addition of a food-waste collection system for composting. Using local vendors, donating items to organizations and charities, and raising awareness in the community are all part of Sara-Bay’s efforts.

About the Green Business Partnership

The Green Business Partnership is open to all businesses in Sarasota County. Certified Green Business partners operate in an environmentally responsible manner. More than 250 businesses have earned certification. Program certification includes an on-site verification of reduction, reuse and conservation practices in:

  • Business operations;
  • Solid waste management;
  • Recycling; and
  • Energy and water consumption.


UF/IFAS Online Green Business Course

UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County’s Waste Reduction program has added a new course to UF/IFAS Extension Online Learning: Green Business Partnership Best Management Practices (BMPs)

The “Green Business Partnership Best Management Practices (BMPs)” course is open for all businesses in Florida. Using the model of the Sarasota County Green Business Partnership, created in 2006, the course assists businesses with implementing green practices. A Sarasota County business that completes the application process will become a recognized Green Business Partner. To date, more than 250 businesses have earned certification in Sarasota County.


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Posted: December 14, 2020

Category: Conservation
Tags: Conservation, GBP, Green Business, Green Business Partnership, Pgm_Waste, Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Sarasota County

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