Hello DeSoto and Sarasota County Producers!
I have two very timely pieces of information for you today and here they are:
- Contact information for the Publix employee organizing direct purchasing from producers:
- Curt Epperson: Curt.epperson@publix.com
- I have attached the press release again that I emailed you all yesterday about Publix’s plans to purchase direct from Florida producers for donations to food banks.
- Applications for the USDA Purchase and Distribution Program are being accepted!
- This is the $3 billion federal program called CFAP (Coronavirus Food Assistance Program) that I emailed you all about a couple days ago. I attached the press release again to this email.
- Here is the website with additional information:
- https://www.ams.usda.gov/selling-food-to-usda/farmers-to-families-food-box
- Here are the three parts of the application:
- This application process is complicated and very involved.
- Contracts will be awarded for 30-day periods. If you get a contract, you can renew your contract multiple times. At the moment, this program is expected to run for about six months.
- My understanding is that the USDA hopes to start awarding contracts in about two weeks, so this process is going to move quickly. If you are interested in this opportunity – jump on it fast.
All my best to all of you,