Wild about wildlife? Learn how to make them at home in your landscape!


Landscaping for Wildlife Class on Wednesday, November 20th from 2 to 4 PM.

Florida has a diverse wildlife population, but rapid growth throughout Florida is destroying native wildlife habitat. We notice the loss of birds, butterflies and other wildlife in our communities but do not realize that our landscapes and maintenance practices can be part of the problem. In this class you will learn to create a habitat that encourages wildlife by:

  • Increasing the variety of plants in your landscape design.
  • Creating natural corridors with bordering properties to allow wildlife to move through the larger neighborhood.
  • Following Florida Yards & Neighborhoods recommended landscape maintenance practices… and more!

By making some basic changes to your landscaping plan, you can create a yard that will provide habitat for a variety of birds, butterflies and beneficial insects.

To register for this free class go to this link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/landscaping-for-wildlife-tickets-8195704573


Posted: November 15, 2013

Category: 4-H & Youth, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Natural Resources, Wildlife, Work & Life
Tags: Animals, Birds, Butterflies, Butterfly, Garden, Gardening, Landscape, Landscaping, Wildlife

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