An open house will be set up in the SPC Digitorium common area from 5:30 to 7 p.m. There, visitors can browse information booths set up by the various Pinellas County departments.
Residents can meet with county officials and their county commissioners, ask questions, provide feedback and learn more about county services.
From 7 to 8 p.m., an eTownHall will take place inside the Digitorium in front of a live audience. County commissioners and the county administrator will respond to comments and questions from the community as they discuss the budget, strategies for the future and the vision of the community as a whole.
This year’s event will be moderated by Bay News 9 senior anchor Al Ruechel.
The eTownHall can be viewed live in the Digitorium, online through the Pinellas County website or over PCC-TV on Bright House Channel 622, Knology Channel 18 or Verizon Channel 44. Large screen viewing areas will be set up at other SPC campuses as well.
Questions to the panel can be submitted via the online blog, Twitter, by calling (888) 409-5380 or via written submissions from the audience.
The eTownHall blog will open 9 a.m. on Monday, April 8, for those who want to submit their questions and comments in advance.
For more information, to view the program or submit a question to the blog, go to www.pinellascounty.org/etownhall.
The St. Petersburg College Seminole campus is located at 9200 113th St. N. in Seminole.
For more information on Pinellas County services and programs, visit www.pinellascounty.org, now with LiveChat, or create a shortcut to www.pinellascounty.org/mobile on any smartphone. Pinellas County government is on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Pinellas County complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.