County Events: Night of the Arts and Demonstration Day
Night of the Arts will take place February 26 at the Northwest Church of Christ in St. Petersburg. This location is easy to get to and has enough room for all of us. The event will begin at 7:00 p.m. Night of the Arts is our “Share the Fun” portion of County Events. Whether you perform just for fun, you want to become a professional performer, or you hope to be a star someday, there is a place for you at Night of the Arts! Entries for the Poster Contest and the Photo Exhibit are also due at this time. Registrations are due February 15.
Demonstration Day will be March 13. Every 4-H member is expected to do a demonstration each year, so now is the time to polish up your presentation for Demonstration Day. A good way to start preparing is by viewing the 4-H Presentations module for 4-H members. There is also one for parents and leaders: Leader Module. Demonstration Day registrations are due March 1.
To get your registration forms for County Events, go to:
Night of the Arts form –
Demonstration Day Form –
Remember, all participants must have their 4-H enrollment complete 30 before the event. Any questions? Contact Jean Rogalsky at