Pinellas County has the privilege of hosting the 4-H District Winter Ball for the second year in a row. The Ball will be held on Dec 11th from 6:00-8:30pm in the Pinellas County Extension Magnolia Room. This is a great way to get together with fellow 4-Hers from not only Pinellas County, but from all around District 9. While the District Council is for senior 4-H members, all 4-H members and their families are invited to this event. We will be playing winter games and eating great food, along with holding a toy drive to help the needy. The Florida Botanical Gardens also has their holiday light spectacular this evening, which you would not want to miss. Please come and enjoy a great time with your 4-H Community. If you’re planning to attend please bring a dish to share and a toy/book to help the homeless children who are in need this year. Attire is casual.
Please try to RSVP with names of those attending by Dec 7th to Janet Golden at or (727) 582-2105.