A beautifully laminated identification deck titled “Identifying Stink Bugs and Similar True Bugs of Florida” is now available for purchase at the UF-IFAS Extension Bookstore for only $12! Click on the link below to go to the UF-IFAS Bookstore website.
There’s more to stink bugs than their smell. Some species eat plants and in large numbers can cause serious economic damage, while some stink bugs are harmless or can even be beneficial to crops and gardens. Accurately identifying bugs is the first and most important step in Integrated Pest Management, and this handy guide can help you tell the good bugs from the bad.Twenty-five important species are identified in full-color photos of adults, nymphs, and eggs; with descriptions of identifying features, common hosts, relative size, and pest status. If you’re a grower, a plant industry professional, a gardener, or just a curious naturalist, this is a guide you’ll want to have close-at-hand.
The UF-IFAS Extension Bookstore is located at:
P.O. Box 110011
Gainesville, FL 32611-0011