Interested in detecting exotic species in Florida? The Collaborative and Enhanced First Detector Training for Florida Program ( has been created to assist with the early detection of exotic or emerging pests in Florida. This program was funded by the Farm Bill 10201, and is a collaboration between the USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Florida CAPS program, FDACS-DPI, NPDN, Sentinel Plant Network, Protect U.S., and UF/IFAS. Scripted PowerPoint presentations available on this website for free educational use include: Collaborating Agencies and Roles, Pest and Pathways, Submitting Samples, European Pepper Moth, Mexican Rice Borer, Giant African Land Snail, Kudzu Bug, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Bagrada Bug, Light Brown Apple Moth, Invasive Whiteflies, Tuta absoluta, Texas Phoenix Palm Decline, Red Ring Nematode, and Needle Blight. Each presentation includes author, citation, and reviewer information. A link to e-learning modules associated with the above topics is also provided on the website. Questions regarding the project can be directed to Amanda Hodges or Stephanie Stocks .
Posted: February 6, 2014
Category: AGRICULTURE, HOME LANDSCAPES, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease
Tags: First Detector, Invasive Species