Did you know that the Florida Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program is actively surveying for Tomato Leafminer, Tuta absoluta?
Check out the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry (FDACS-DPI) Pest Alert for more details. Authors of the Pest Alert include FDACS-DPI taxonomic entomologist, Dr. James Hayden and USDA-APHIS-PPQ Regional Domestic Identifier, Julieta Brambila.
If you think you’ve detected a tomato leafminer, keep in mind that it could be confused with the tomato pinworm
Check out the available UF-IFAS EDIS publications on tomato
Most insects that you encounter will be common to Florida, but suspect samples of regulatory concern will be forwarded to FDACS-DPI. Suspect Tuta absoluta samples would be forwarded to FDACS-DPI as this is a pest of high concern to the state of Florida.