Plant Biology: Organs

Plants are complex living organisms, just like you and me. Plants make and consume their own food and use it to grow and develop to reproduce. Each of the plant’s organs play a vital role in the plant’s survival. Understanding the function of plants can make you more successful in the garden.


Roots anchor a plant in the soil and absorb air, water, and nutrients. There are two main types: fibrous roots, which spread widely, and taproots, which grow deep to access moisture. Healthy roots are essential for a plant’s overall well-being and nutrient uptake.

This is an excellent example of healthy roots growing through a good quality medium. Photo courtesy of Julia Sirchia UF/IFAS.


Stems provide structural support and transport water and nutrients between roots, leaves, and flowers. Stems can be herbaceous (soft) or woody (hard) and may store food and water. Fun Fact: potatoes are a type of stem!

The stems of the Florida Beautyberry support the leaves, flowers, and fruit.”Purple beautyberry, October 2015 – Stacking” by Laitche is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


Leaves capture sunlight for photosynthesis. They maximize light absorption and have small openings called stomata for gas exchange. Leaf shapes vary, helping plants adapt to different environments, and healthy leaves are important for energy production. Fun Fact: Did you know that cactus spines are modifed leaves? The more you know!

The needle-like leaves of an established coontie. “Coonties (Zamia integrifolia)” by wallygrom is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


Shoots are young stems and leaves that represent new growth. Environmental factors like light and water availability affect their growth, making healthy shoots important for continued growth and reproduction.

A young shoot of oregano. “Oregano ‘Greek'” by missellyrh is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


Flowers are the reproductive structures of plants, classified as perfect (having both male and female parts) or imperfect (male or female). They are crucial for sexual reproduction and seed formation, while some plants also reproduce asexually, ensuring survival in various environments.

The flower of chive. “Allium schoenoprasum – Bombus lapidarius – Tootsi” by Ivar Leidus is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Fruits and Seeds

Plants sexually reproduce by growing fruits from fertilized flowers. Fruits have a function; they are a means to protect and spread the seeds they contain to ensure the next generation continues. Seeds are reproductive structures that hold an embryo and food to support its early growth. Think of a chicken egg! Their hard outer shell protects them until the right conditions for germination arise. Seeds may remain dormant for days to years, but when conditions are right, they will take root and begin to grow.

The fruit of a Chickasaw plum. Photo credit: UF IFAS


Plants are essential to survival on Earth, producing the air we breathe, the food we eat, and absorbing some of our waste. Understanding the roles of roots, stems, leaves, shoots, flowers, fruits, and seeds is knowledge that makes for a better gardener.

Have a question?

If you have any questions about gardening in Central Florida, please contact UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County at 352-518-0156. For more information on UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County Community Gardens, and how you can join one, visit Supervising Agent: Dr. Whitney Elmore.

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UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County Resources


Julia Sirchia, Program Assistant at UF/IFAS Extension Pasco County
Posted: January 23, 2025

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Botany, Horticulture, Plant Organs, Plant Parts, Plants, UF/IFAS Pasco Extension Office

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