With the holidays quickly approaching, taking a test is the last thing on your mind. However, soil testing and forage testing are two very inexpensive but very valuable tools. Both tests help to improve your ability to provide for your livestock.
If you feed hay, one tool that can help you supplement for Winter is forage (hay) testing. Our UF/IFAS Forage Extension Laboratory at the Ona Range Cattle Research and Education Center provides a test for $7. This test will give you the crude protein and total digestible nutrients (TDN) of your hay. You can use this information to supplement your livestock accordingly. Knowing what nutritional value your base (hay) is gives you a starting point for adding adequate nutrition. If you have purchased a load of hay that will carry you through most of the season, it might be a good time for testing your hay. Forage Testing

You should also consider soil testing this time of year. Our soils in Florida tend to become more acidic over time. Therefore, a pH adjustment may be necessary to keep your forage stand healthy. Most of our pastures are some variety of Bahia which prefers a pH around 5.5. If you apply lime without testing first, you could easily create a situation where the pH is too high. This can cause your Bahia to die and the weeds to move in. Never apply lime without a soil test. If your soil needs a pH adjustment, the Winter months are the perfect time to apply lime. Lime applications do not need timely rainfall to incorporate into the soil. It requires several months for the lime to incorporate into the soil and have the pH where it needs to be in time for fertilizing next summer.

Without a proper pH, fertilizer cannot enter the plant efficiently. If that happens, the fertilizer you apply can leach through the soil profile and/or runs off. This is a costly mistake in many ways. The soil test results will give recommendations for nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. If you are in a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) area, you will also need to perform a tissue test on your forage before you can apply phosphorous. For our summer forages (Bahia), do not apply fertilizer until we are in a summer rain pattern which typically starts early June. Pasture is a priority for cow-calf operation success. The UF/IFAS Soils Laboratory in Gainesville provides tests for $10. Soil Testing Procedure
Perhaps this year is the year to try a winter annual. Winter annuals require good management and soil fertility, so if you are considering using them be sure your soil test is specific for your crop. Despite the input costs, it could save money in the long run where winter supplementation is concerned. Cool Season Forage
It is important to not take a holiday from setting yourself up to manage your pastures and livestock to the best of your ability. Both forage and soil testing are very inexpensive but provide a wealth of information. It may be the best gift you buy this holiday season!