Did you know that food establishments, including mobile vendors, that process, pack, hold or prepare food require a trained and certified individual in food protection and safety? The skilled and certified staff member is referred to as a Certified Food Protection Manager.
A Certified Food Protection Manager is responsible for supervising employees who engage in the processing, preparation, and service of foods. The certified food protection manager has many responsibilities, including having the knowledge, skills, and abilities to identify any hazards in the daily operation of the food establishment; develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent foodborne illness; coordinate employee food safety training; direct food preparation activities and take corrective action as needed to protect the health of the consumer, and conduct periodic in-house self-inspections of daily operations to ensure that food safety policies and procedures are followed.
At least one certified food manager must be present when four or more food employees are on the premises. A food employee is an individual who works with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food contact surfaces.
The University of Florida/IFAS Nassau County Extension Service is an approved food safety instructor and proctor. Upcoming classes will be held on April 27 and May 13, 9 am to 5 pm. To register, contact Meg McAlpine (904)570-5713.