Q: What are these spots on my camellia leaves?

A: The spots are caused by algae, Cephaleuros virescens, which is also called green scurf. Green scurf can be found on other leathery-leafed plants such as magnolia, Indian hawthorn, or holly. Wet weather conditions provide the perfect environment for the fungi to spread so it is important to keep water off the leaves of any tree or shrub. Clean up any twig or leaf drop from around the base of these trees to minimize the spreading of the spores. I would not remove the spotted leaves unless they were few in number as they are still green and are an important food source for the rest of the tree. The spots are generally not considered a serious problem but it might be advisable to spray fungicides labeled for ornamental plants when new leaves are being formed. Remember to follow the directions on the pesticide label – the label is the law.


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Posted: July 8, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Algae, Cephaleuros Virescens, Green Scurf.

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