Tips from UF/IFAS Extension mosquito experts and OSHA/NIOSH to protect outside workers to Zika virus exposure. The two mosquito species implicated in Zika outbreaks in other countries are established in Florida. They are the yellow fever mosquito,Aedes aegypti and its close relative the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus.
Rainy days are here, and Floridians can help reduce the possibility of future problems with Zika by reducing populations of these two mosquitoes, by eliminating sources of standing water. UF/IFAS Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory (FMEL) Mosquito expert Roxanne Connelly, offers these 10 tips and facts:
For Example:
Scout your property once a week, preferably after a rain storm. Go out and look for standing water (we’ve supplied a list of places to check, below.) When you find standing water, the options are to Move, Maintain or Modify the container. If portable, Move to dry conditions or discard. If the item is designed to hold water… keep reading more about prevention tips
In your garden or nursery, flushing out bromeliads with fresh water to control mosquito breeding grounds.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have released a fact sheet on Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Occupational Exposure to Zika Virus.
• Inform workers about their risks of exposure to Zika virus through mosquito bites andtrain them how to protect themselves. Check the CDC Zika website to find Zika-affected areas.
• Provide insect repellents and encourage their use according to the guidance below.
• Provide workers with, and encourage them to wear, clothing that covers their hands, arms, legs, and other exposed skin. Consider providing workers with hats with mosquito netting to protect the face and neck.
Download the OSHA/NIOSH Fact sheet
For more information on Zika from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer services go to HERE