Free Trees: 2023 Arbor Day

Gumbo limbo branches. Photo credit Alyssa Vinson, UF/IFAS Extension.

In celebration of Arbor Day and Earth Day, the City of Bradenton and Manatee County has once again partnered with Keep Manatee Beautiful and the Arbor Day Foundation to provide free trees to residents. City of Bradenton and Manatee County Residents will be able to pick up free trees at Palmetto High School on April 22nd, 2023 from 9-2, these trees are on a first come, first served basis. 

It is well known that trees provide a wide variety of benefits to the local environment including; temperature moderation, taming stormwater, increasing happiness and lessening the impacts of climate change. See this blog for more information on tree benefits to our communities.

How to Order: City of Bradenton Residents

Individuals will be able to enter their address, and receive information regarding ‘Right Tree, Right Place’ while selecting where in their yard they plan to plant their new trees. Each resident can receive up to two trees per location. Two options exist for receiving your trees once requested; through the mail or pick-up on April 22nd 2022 at Palmetto High School from 9 a.m. until noon.

Trees can be ordered for mailing on a first-come, first-served basis to individuals that visit: during the month of April, 2023. 

(Follow links in tree name for fact sheets)

Delivery Details: Residents can select one of the following trees in a 1 gallon size which will then be delivered to their address 3-5 weeks after selection. Each tree with come with planting and care instructions.

Bald Cypress

Crape Myrtle

Dahoon Holly

Sweetbay Magnolia

Pick-up Details: Trees can be picked up at Palmetto High School between 9-2, on Saturday April 22nd, 2023. Trees available for pickup will be 3 gallon sized and of the following varieties:

Live Oak (Quercus virginiana)

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Tropic Snow or Tropic Beauty Peach (Prunus persica ‘Tropic Snow’ or ‘Tropic Beauty’)

FloridaPrince Peach (Prunus persica ‘Florida Prince’)

Dura Heat Birch (Betula nigra ‘Dura Heat’)

Manatee County Residents: Trees Available for Pickup

Slash Pine

Sweetbay Magnolia

Black Cherry

How to Plant and Establish Your New Free Trees

Follow recommendations in Gardening Solutions and in the diagram below to ensure that you have a successful tree planting.


If you have questions determining which of the available free trees is best for you, feel free to call our Master Gardener Plant Clinic: 941-722-4524



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Posted: April 17, 2023

Category: Community Volunteers, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS
Tags: Arbor Day, Earth Day, Featured Hot Topic, Florida Friendly Landscape, Free Trees, Trees Are Good

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