Local Working Group meeting set to discuss resource concerns

The Manatee River Soil and Water Conservation District (MRSWCD) in cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will convene a local working group public meeting to provide guidance and discuss local resource conservation concerns and NRCS programs in Manatee County.

The MRSWCD local working group will meet at the Manatee County Extension Service, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto in the Kendrick Auditorium on Monday, August 12th at 6:00 pm.

The local work group includes representatives from cooperating federal, state and local agencies, conservation organizations, and the public to provide local information on natural resource priorities in Manatee County.

Local farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners are encouraged to attend and assist with identifying resource concerns and future direction of our conservation efforts. This prioritization will become the foundation on which our future plans and projects can be based.

Conservation practices that can be implemented with cattle operations to address resource concerns include watering facilities, fencing, and prescribed grazing.

More information on USDA NRCS Local Working Groups may be found here.

MRSWCD serves as a local coordinator of technical and financial assistance for natural resource problems from all levels of government to private landowners and land users. This meeting is an important step in helping us carry out our mission. Results will be sent to the NRCS state office for consideration in funding and ranking decisions.

For more information contact NRCS District Conservationist Israel Vega at 941-444-3143. Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities is provided, to request special accommodation(s) contact Israel Vega at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.


Posted: July 1, 2019

Category: Agriculture, Natural Resources

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