How to plan a successful demonstration for 4-H County Events

Each year 4-H members across Florida have the opportunity to compete in their county’s 4-H County Events. One of the options for participation includes demonstrations. The thought of planning and presenting a demonstration can be scary for parents and their 4-H members, but it does not have to be! This blog aims to familiarize families with 4-H demonstrations and all that it involves – it’s not anything to be scared of!

4-H member giving a demonstration about landscaping using garden rugs. What is a 4-H demonstration?

The definition provided through FL 4-H’s Events and Activities Handbook (2024-2025) defines a demonstration as:

“A ‘show and tell’ presentation in a specific curriculum area. Youth share what they have learned in their 4-H project using visual aids to communicate presentation content…”



Step 1: What do I demonstrate?

Adults can encourage youth to think about what they are interested in and help identify a possible topic for the demonstration. Are they interested in cooking? Do they enjoy crafting? Can they perform awesome science experiments? Are they experienced in showing livestock? These are all great questions to ask that could help identify a possible demonstration. For example, a youth who has experience showing poultry could demonstrate the proper techniques to bathe their bird and prepare them for a show (most likely utilizing a plush or fake chicken!).

Step 2: Plan it out.

With a topic selected, the demonstration can now be planned out. Much like a speech, your demonstration should contain a general introduction, body and a conclusion. The introduction should grab your judges attention and introduce what you will be demonstrating. The body will be the actual demonstration and the conclusion will be restating what you have covered during your demonstration. For further information on each of these sections, please view this publication from St. Johns County 4-H:

  • Gather supplies – Will you need bowls? Will you need a microwave? Will you need plants, spray bottles, rope halters, etc.?
  • Map out your demonstration area – Know where you will place things on a table to best utilize your space.
  • Create your visual aid – Demonstrations should have an accompanying visual aid that covers the information that is being shared. Consider how you will display the visual aid – will you set it on the table, will you need an easel?
  • Write out a script – Ensuring you have talking points throughout the demonstration will avoid any awkward moments of silence while completing actions.

Step 3: Practice!

Just like preparing for a speech or a presentation, you will need to practice, practice, and practice your speech! Practice multiple times running through the script and multiple times with materials. Practicing will increase your confidence. You should feel comfortable with your demonstration by the 4-H County Events day. It is best practice to do a full dress rehearsal at least once before the event. This will allow you to feel familiar with performing the demonstration in your 4-H attire.

Step 4: Deliver the demonstration.

  • Proper dress: You can dress in attire that reflects your topic or 4-H official dress. Make sure clothing is clean and appropriate for a professional setting.
  • Speak loud and proud.
  • Exude confidence.
  • At the conclusion of your demonstration, ask the judges if they have any questions. If you do not know the answer to a judge’s question, don’t make something up and just be honest. It is okay if you do not know the answer.

By utilizing these tips, parents and their 4-H members can be sure to have a smooth demonstration experience! For more information on 4-H County Events, reach out to your local 4-H office.


Posted: December 20, 2024


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