“To Make The Best Better”![4h clover]()
This year has been very exciting for Lafayette 4-H Club. There has been a growing interest from the older youth and the younger kids are taking note of the excitement. Lafayette County had 6 youth attend this years 4-H University on July 31 – August 3, 2017. All members who attended came back with more knowledge and direction for their future.
What is 4-H University?
Florida 4-H University is a week-long overnight event for young adults and is held at the University of Florida. Youth have the opportunity to participate in educational workshops led by University of Florida faculty, explore career opportunities, lead community service activities, interact with youth from all over the state, and have fun while developing critical life skills that will help them become productive and engaged citizens in their communities, their country, and their world.
Shown in picture above (from left to right) Matthew Robinson, Kassity Folsom, Parker Crow, Shade Hewitt, Krista Lyons and Landry Driver are the Lafayette 4-H Club members who attended.
When asked about her experience at 4-H University, Krista Lyons says “This year at 4-H University I gained a better understanding of the state 4-H program. On the very first day I learned the gator chomp, but it didn’t stop there. I participated in a Positive Civil Discourse class and learned how to debate properly. I also learned how to access very credible sources during research. During the State Project session I learned about the many diverse environments in Florida and how I can do my part to protect the environment.” Krista is a senior who has been very active in 4-H, attending LEG, Executive Board and University. She also is very active at school; playing volleyball, softball, basketball and is a member of FCA, FFA and is this years Miss LHS.
If your child would like to know more about 4-H, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office.
Jana Hart- Extension Agent- FCS/4-H