Annual 4-H Adopt-A-Road Project

Jefferson County 4-H Teens participated in their annual 4-H Adopt-A-Road Project. The teens picked up over 100 pounds of trash on the two-mile strength of Lake Road. Teens completed this service project on March 24.

Jefferson County 4-H Teen Council
Front Row-L-R: Allison Parker & Sierra Montgomery
Back Row-L-R: Jayla Ball, Sarah Crandall, Samiya Howard, Jeremiah Norton, Jada Mosely, Makayla Brown & Carissa Shular

L-R: Sarah Crandall & Jada Mosely

L-R: Carissa Shular & Sierra Montgomery


Posted: March 26, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Events, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Teens, Adopt-A-Road, Trash

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