UF/IFAS Web Department Maintainers Meeting August 14, 2014
- Video Recording: Watch the link below to understand the migration of UF/IFAS Websites to TERMINALFOUR and the UF/IFAS template in TERMINALFOUR
- Slides Only: Here
- SUBSCRIBE TO IFASWEB-L listserv Here: UF/IFAS Web Maintainers should subscribe to IFASWeb-listserv by emailing: mailto:LISTSERV@LISTS.IFAS.UFL.EDU and in the email body type “SUBSCRIBE IFASWEB-L”. No subject is required.
- A Quick Note: As a follow-up UF/IFAS Web Services does not have access to T4 as of yet. Once UF/IFAS Web Services gains access it will be openly communicated. Our access to T4 marks the first stage in the UF/IFAS migration process to TERMINALFOUR.
- Forms/Handouts: Here is a link to the Website Communication Strategy Form.
*Special thanks to Al Williamson and Peter for helping us with the live stream.
Thank you and Happy Web Friday!