All sessions are 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Cost = Free
Target Audience: People 10 or less years from retirement
Each webinar is approved by AFCPE® for 1 AFC® CEU
Discussion will include 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, 457 plans, IRAs, and pensions. However, we will not focus on the details of any specific pension system.
Attendance at all sessions is not required. Register for each webinar you plan to attend.
July 10, How Much Will I Need for Retirement? We will discuss factors to consider when calculating how much income and assets you will need to retire.
July 17, Choosing When to Receive Social Security Retirement Benefits. We will explore the variables to consider when deciding whether to start receiving a reduced Social Security benefit at age 62 or delaying until a later year. Registration:
July 24, Retirement Vehicles. We will discuss sources of income and considerations for designing your retirement paycheck. Registration:
July 31, Choosing Financial Professionals & Services. We will discuss types of financial professionals and services. Discussion will include professional designations, compensation methods, and retirement planning tools. Registration: