Dairy or No Dairy
Dairy or No Dairy?
According to Myplate.gov, the nutrition guidelines published by the USDA dairy is an essential part of a healthy diet. Dairy products provide us with nutrients like; calcium, potassium, vitamin D, amino acids, B12, zinc, and protein. It is a bone-healthy food group that should not be skipped.
Most Americans don’t get enough nutrients because they choose not to consume dairy foods. So, why would someone not consume dairy? Dairy is in the not-to-eat food group because it contains saturated fat. Although this is true. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. You can have 7-10% of your total daily calories be from saturated fat and still have a healthy diet.
An example would be if you eat a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, 140 -200 calories of those 2,000 can come from saturated fats. So, one of the best things to look at is products that are lower in fat or have no fat. By eating low-fat or non-fat products, it will keep your fat and calorie intake lower.
As you can see, you don’t have to completely cut out the dairy because it does offer many valuable nutrients. You need to limit the amount that you eat and make healthy choices.
Other people that do not consume dairy are those that are lactose intolerant. Although this limits products from cows, there are still many other items in the dairy food group you can consume. We are so fortunate that they make products just for people that can’t have lactose, and these products still have all the nutrients without the lactose. There is nut milk that is available for those that cannot have lactose. There is vegan cheese and other vegan products made without animal products, so, therefore, no lactose.
As you see, there isn’t any good reason for someone to skip out on any essential food group with lots of health benefits. There are substitutes that can still have you enjoying a big glass of dairy.
by Kimberly Bragg-Armatrout

Posted: June 4, 2021
, Health & Nutrition, Work & Life
Tags: Dairy, Milk, Milk Alternatives