Welcome to the 2020-21 4-H Year!

September 17th Webinar

Flagler County 4-H Agent Alisha Hutchinson and 4-H Regional Specialized Agent Geralyn Sachs are hosting a webinar on September 17th to provide updates on the new 4-H year, along with a Q&A portion. We encourage everyone to join us!

The link to register for the webinar is https://ufl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cgnO78-3SomEhi1jxFV0Iw.

4-HOnline Registration
4-H registrations are off to a great start! Many of our clubs have already met capacity for the upcoming year, but we still have a couple clubs accepting memberships! Don’t be discouraged if you’re not able to register for the club you intended to join, we will find a spot for you, even if it’s becoming an independent member. Please find below a list of clubs and opportunities available for the 2020-21 year!

Independent membership – Independent members still have all the same opportunities as other members. Independent members participate in a planned learning outside of a club setting. Their work is self-directed with guidance and support of parents and mentors. They can accomplish their self-directed learning through self-studying, whole families learning together, and/or mentoring with an “expert” on a certain topic or project area they are interested in. Rather than fulfilling their meeting requirements by attending club meeting, they would meet with Alisha or Ilana a minimum of 4 times a year (5 times if participating in the county fair and youth show). Whether you are a member of a club or an independent member, we want you to have the most amazing 4-H experience! If this is something you are interested in, I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity!

FPC Bulldogs – Held at Flagler Palm Coast High School, members will develop life skills in leadership, communications, public speaking, and various agriculture skills through projects and team building activities. They also complete community service, STEM, healthy living, and citizenship projects at the club, county, regional, and state levels.

Haw Creek Farm & Home – In this club you will learn about agriculture, farm and home and living. This includes blacksmithing, bee keeping, woodworking, crop growing and making jelly. We will also be introducing space travel, making rag wreaths and growing and harvesting crops. Our club is also very involved in community service projects and take pride in helping others

Bunnell Homesteaders Cloverbud 4-H Club – A new club welcome to ALL CloverBuds, ages 5-7 years old! This club plans to do activities that will not only instill life skills but also build character to our younger generation. CloverBuds will learn aspects of agriculture all while having fun in hopes to make little ones eager to be involved!

Once clubs have met capacity, enrollments are no longer accepted for those clubs. If you’re interested in a club, don’t wait, register NOW! Space is limited!

Membership Fees: There is a $20.00 membership fee for all community and project clubs, which can be made online when registering. All independent members will pay their $20.00 membership directly to the Flagler County 4-H office by cash or check. There are no membership fees for CloverBuds or school clubs. Questions? No problem! Contact the 4-H office at 386-437-7464.

The link to register for 4-HOnline is https://v2.4honline.com/.

Posted: September 2, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth

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