By Ginger Feagle, Vice President, Florida Tree Farm Program; and James Tootle, Nassau County Forester, Florida Forest Service
The Florida Tree Farm Program is proud to recognize Mr. Floyd Vanzant as the 2024 Jon Gould Florida Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year. Each year, one Certified Tree Farm out of the 1,300 tree farms in Florida, is selected for demonstrating exceptional forest stewardship to protect and improve our forest resources and promoting forest stewardship within their community.
The Vanzant property has been in the family since the early 1800’s and has historically been used for timber and livestock production. The 400-acre property is owned by Mr. Vanzant and his wife, Mary, who now reside on the property that he once grew up on. Family members pictured left to right in the banner above are: Brenton Franklin (grandson), Clay Vanzant (son), Vickie Vanzant Franklin (daughter), Michael Franklin (son-in-law), Floyd Vanzant, Mary Vanzant (wife), and Micah Vanzant (son).
Silvopasture: Forage, Livestock, and Timber Combined

Mr. Vanzant has increasingly become more involved and interested in the timber aspect of the management of his property, especially in the concept of “silvopasture”. Mr. Vanzant has experimented with different configurations of pasture and timber to efficiently graze his cattle while providing timber, shade and forage. Along with the areas he has designated for silvopasture, he thoughtfully considers soil and location to identify areas that he can dedicate to pasture or timber. Because Mr. Vanzant is willing to share his experience, in October 2023, he partnered with the Florida Forest Service and the Florida Tree Farm Program to host fellow landowners on a tour so they could see first-hand the success of his silviculture practices.
Recently, his son-in-law (Michael Franklin) has assisted Mr. Vanzant by taking an active role with the land management. Along with daily responsibilities of caring for the cattle and conducting tractor work, Michael encouraged Mr. Vanzant to connect with the Florida Forest Service County Forester so he could develop a written Forest Stewardship Plan to carry Mr. Vanzant’s vision forward. Michael’s assistance on the land is appreciated by the family.
Active management of the property and his understanding of forestry practices has led Mr. Vanzant to take advantage of various cost-share programs offered through the Florida Forest Service. These programs provide for healthy forests and carbon sequestration by assisting with thinning, reforesting harvested areas, and afforesting previously unplanted acres on his property.
Community Leader
Mr. Vanzant is a valued contributor to his community and has served as a Nassau County Commissioner (8 years), Hilliard Town Council member (2 years), and the Mayor of Hilliard (4 years). Notably, he is the Vice President of the Nassau County Farm Bureau of which he has been a board member since 1997, including previous participation with its Forestry Committee.
Mr. Vanzant takes his role as a good steward of his property very seriously and believes that multiple use land management enhances sustainability of timber, livestock, water quality, wildlife, and recreation.
Across the U.S., family forest owners like the Vanzants care for the largest portion, more than one-third, of America’s forests. Their efforts are crucial to the sustainability of our country’s natural resources, such as clean water, wildlife habitat, carbon storage and a wood supply for the products Americans use every day.
The American Tree Farm System
The American Tree Farm System® (ATFS) is the largest and oldest sustainable woodland program in the United States designed specifically for family forest owners. The program provides over 69,000 family forest owners with tools, education, and a community of shared interest to support their conservation goals. Enrolled Tree Farmers, in return, care for their land, meeting rigorous Standards of Sustainability that are internationally endorsed and recognized to assure the provision of wood supplies, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and clean water. Collectively, there are nearly 18 million forested acres within the ATFS program in the United States. The American Tree Farm System is a program of the American Forest Foundation, whose mission is to deliver meaningful conservation impact through the empowerment of family forest landowners. For more information about the Florida Tree Farm Program, contact your county forester or visit their website at: www.treefarmsystem.org/florida.
About Jon Gould

Florida’s Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Award honors the memory of Mr. Jon Gould, a respected member of Florida’s Tree Farm Program State Committee and a proud Tree Farmer and advocate for forestry for more than 30 years throughout the southeast. Mr. Gould was selected as the Florida Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year in 2006 and as the Southern Regional Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year in 2018. Mr. Gould passed in 2019. His legacy lives as an ultimate model of the Tree Farm Program for which the Florida award is now renamed beginning in 2020. Learn more about Jon, his wife Carol and the Gould Tree Farm at: https://www.treefarmsystem.org/south-nominee-goulds
This piece was written by Ginger Feagle, Vice President of the Florida Tree Farm Program, and James Tootle, Nassau County Forester, Florida Forest Service