Program: Myrtle Grove Gardening Talks

This fall is all about pollinators.  On Wednesday, September 21, Master Gardener Volunteers will share information on pollinator plants and native milkweeds for your yard.  Join Beth on Wednesday, September 28 for tips on attracting some native bees with pollinator houses.

Both sessions will be at Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church, 1030 N 57th Ave,
Pensacola, FL 32506.  They begin at 6:00 p.m.

Let us know you are coming by emailing with your name and program date. You may also leave a phone message at 850-475-5230 Ext 1104. We want to have enough materials for everyone.


Posted: August 16, 2022

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Wildlife
Tags: Milkweed, Monarchs, Perennials, Pollinator Houses, Pollinator Plants, Pollinators

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