Happy New Year! This year we will be changing things up a bit to allow for new participants to attend our monthly workshops. Please note the dates and times of each presentation, as they will change from evenings to lunchtime mid-year. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions! 850-475-5230, ctsteven@ufl.edu, or roc@ufl.edu
January 16: Exploring Algal Toxins along the Emerald Coast
Dana Stephens, Ph. D., Northwest Florida State College
6-7 pm: Escambia County Central Office Complex, 3363 West Park Place, Pensacola
February 20: Vibrio: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Lisa Waidner, Ph.D., University of West Florida
6-7 pm: Pensacola Downtown Library, 239 North Spring Street, 6-7 pm
March 19: What do you do when you find wildlife?
Dorothy Kaufmann, Director of Wildlife Sanctuary of Northwest Florida
6-7 pm: Pensacola Downtown Library, 239 North Spring Street, 6-7 pm
April 16: City of Pensacola Blueway
Paul Pipes, City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation
6-7 pm: Pensacola Downtown Library, 239 North Spring Street, 6-7 pm
May 21: Keep Pensacola Beautiful
Sigrid Solgard, Executive Director of Keep Pensacola Beautiful
12-1 pm: Studer Community Institute, 220 West Garden Street #100, Pensacola
June 18: Wonders of Wildlife
Molly and Rick O’Connor, Roy Hyatt Environmental Center and Florida Sea Grant
12-1 pm: Studer Community Institute, 220 West Garden Street #100, Pensacola
August 20: Black Bears
Kathrine McCarty, West Panhandle Bear Biologist, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
12-1 pm: Studer Community Institute, 220 West Garden Street #100, Pensacola
September 17: Using Scientific Data to Solve Flooding Problems: Streamflow modeling
Matt Deitch, Ph.D., West Florida Research and Education Center
Location TBD
October 15: Drink Up, Pensacola!
Jim Roberts, Public Information Educational Specialist with ECUA
12-1 pm: Studer Community Institute, 220 West Garden Street #100, Pensacola
November 19: Aquatic Preserves of Northwest Florida
Beth Fugate, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
12-1 pm: Studer Community Institute, 220 West Garden Street #100, Pensacola