Escambia County 4-H celebrated its annual 4-H Banquet on August 10th at the Langley Bell 4-H Center in Cantonment. More than 140 guests participated in the celebration and recognition of Escambia County 4-H achievements in a beach theme setting.
Many awards were given out at the banquet to recognize the accomplishments of our 4-H members. County council members and honored guests presented certificates, pins and awards to the recipients.
“The 4-H Awards Banquet was made possible with the donations from our many sponsors. Escambia County 4-H thanks you for your donations of money, time and effort to make the banquet possible,” said Aly Schortinghouse, Escambia County 4-H/Livestock Agent.
Our graduating seniors were recognized and Taylor Nelson, 2017-2018 County Council president, gave her retiring address. Escambia County 4-H also honored the members that made up the 2017-2018 County Council and inducted a new group of council officers for 2018-2019. The new council officers are as follows: Hannah Schnupp and Alan B. as district delegates, Alexandra Odom as motivational leader, Lord Wyrick as sergeant-at-arms, Rashidi Joseph as parliamentarian, Isabella Vose as historian, Bobby Vose as treasurer, Jessica Conti as secretary, Raeleigh Woodfin as vice president, and Hannah Thorne as president.
According to Brian Estevez, Escambia County 4-H Coordinator, the new officers were inducted in a lighting of the candle ceremony and were told that “good officers pledge their hands to the service of their 4-H council, its members, and the clubs they represent.”
The past 12 months have been an outstanding year for Escambia County 4-H. Three hundred and twenty-seven youth were enrolled in sixteen 4-H clubs, volunteer enrollment increased, and day camp and workshop quality were the best they have ever been. Two Escambia County 4-H members placed first in their respective divisions at state competitive events; and three more members placed in the top three for the state speeches and photographs. More than 1,500 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders from Escambia County schools participated in the 4-H Tropicana Speech Contest with winners competing at the school and county levels.
“Escambia County 4-H would like to say thank you to all of the 4-H members, parents, sponsors, and guests that attended the 2018 4-H Awards Banquet,” said Estevez.
The 4-H Awards Banquet was made possible with the donations from our many sponsors. Escambia County 4-H would like to thank: Beasley Jewelry, Escambia County Farm Bureau, Escambia County 4-H Foundation, Inc., and the Escambia County Home and Community Educators. Escambia County 4-H thanks you for your donation of money, time, and effort to make the banquet possible. Thank you!
The Escambia County 4-H Council invites youth ages 5-18 to join one of our 4-H clubs during the 2018-2019 year as we strive to “Make the Best, Better!”
UF/IFAS Extension in Escambia County is an Equal Opportunity Institution.