Necessary Maintenance for Zoysiagrass

Zoysiagrass is becoming very popular for many new lawn installations. Before you choose zoysiagrass, make sure you are aware that it will require dethatching within a few years. This is normally a practice that needs to be performed by a landscape professional. They will need to evaluate the turf’s thatch level and use an appropriate piece of equipment like a power rake or verticutter. Both can be used on zoysiagrass since it has above and below ground stems. Just for information, a power rake should not be used on centipede or St. Augustinegrass.

Power rakes should not be used on turf such as St. Augustinegrass and centipedegrass that only produce above ground stems.

A verticutter slices through the turf to reduce thatch.

Posted: June 2, 2017

Category: Horticulture, Lawn
Tags: Machines, Thatch, Turf, Zoysiagrass

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