Fertilizer Workshop – Turf Care

If you have ever been confused about soil tests and how to fertilizer turf, plan to attend the Fertilizer Workshop on March 4, 9:00 a.m. – Noon. The program will help you understand your soil test report, which fertilizer to choose for your lawn, and how to apply it so it does not negatively impact our water quality.

There will be session for both homeowners and horticulture professionals (must be licensed to apply fertilizer). Program will be held at Gulf Breeze Community Center 800 Shoreline Drive Gulf Breeze, FL 32561


The program fee is $5.00 (plus online fee of $1.27). Register now. Contact Mary Derrick at 850-623-3868 or email maryd@santarosa.fl.gov for more information.

Turf Fertilizer_2016


Posted: February 3, 2016

Category: Horticulture, Lawn, Natural Resources, Water
Tags: Fertilizer, Soil Tests, Turf

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