Orchid Pests and What to Do about Them
Orchids are beautiful and interesting plants. They make wonderful gifts for green-thumbed friends eager to learn how to grow them. Orchids are excellent house plants in chillier places, or festooning the landscape with bright blossoms in warmer climes. They are not “set it and forget it” plants, however: they demand care and nurturing from the gardener. To keep orchids in blooming good health, we must protect them from common pests.
Orchids on Ask IFAS
Fortunately, a recent Ask IFAS publication is available to help in the battle against orchid pests. “Orchid Insect and Mite Pests in South Florida,” a helpful guide from authors Doug Caldwell and Twyla Leigh, lists the types of pests that afflict orchids and provides many clear and detailed photos of both pests and the damage they cause to help orchid growers monitor for infestations and treat their prized plants effectively.
Consult the Ask IFAS orchid topic page for more on these fascinating and lovely blooming plants.