Resolutions for 2021

So, it is time for a new year and many of us cannot see 2020 get over fast enough. It is almost time for 2021 and there is a lot to be hopeful for. New vaccines to fight the coronavirus hold great potential for beating this pandemic. Personally, I know of two new babies on their way to be born in January 2021 which is always a time of joy and hope. And a new year means a clean slate for many things.

I gave up making the traditional resolutions of losing weight and exercising more a long time ago. But we did take some time to think about some easy resolutions to make of a more professional kind that we thought we would share with you.

  1. Listen to the All in for Citrus podcast. This monthly podcast is a quick and easy listen (30 minutes or less) and offers insights into what UF/IFAS researchers are working on. Hearing scientists explain their work is not only informative but also quite encouraging. You can listen on your computer here and there are instructions on how to access from your phone.
  2. Visit the website more often. This is a great site for news, presentations, and all sorts of information about research across UF/IFAS research and education centers. It’s a one-stop shop for the latest news.
  3. Check out the UF/IFAS Extension citrus agents’ website. This is another great place for information and a great place to earn CEUs.
  4. Follow UF/IFAS citrus research and education centers on social media. CREC, IRREC and SWFREC all have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Chose any or all to follow and check in on them occasionally. Lots of great news, videos, and even some fun facts that are shared there.
  5. Sign up to the monthly UF/IFAS statewide citrus newsletter. It’s easy and you can do it here.
  6. Be an advocate for citrus and share information about its many, many uses in additional to juice and fresh fruit. Citrus is widely used in cooking, soaps, scents, oils, etc. You can also let your state legislator know how much you appreciate their continued support for citrus research. Sending a quick email of appreciation for their financial support of UF/IFAS research and the Citrus Research Development Foundation always helps. You can find your state senator here and state representative here.
  7. Say thank you more. It is a little phrase that carries a big impact. Acknowledging someone (especially staff members and fellow team members) for anything that they do – even just for showing up – can make a huge difference is someone’s day.
  8. Be positive. Together, we are moving forward in finding workable solutions to fight citrus greening. We are making progress.

Posted: December 22, 2020

Category: UF/IFAS

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