Collier County Extension staff had the opportunity to learn dutch oven cooking. Quarterly education occurs at the monthly staff meeting and this time 4-H had their turn. The 4-H curriculum Lovin’ Dutch Oven from the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources lets the beginning dutch oven cook understand dutch oven cooking. It was fun, educational and produced a eatable outcome. We at Extension like to eat!.

Last year’s Hurricane Irma lead the 4-H staff to think about cooking without electricity. Dutch ovens use charcoal on the top and the bottom. This curriculum gives the novice the opportunity to cook safely while they are learning. The cooks need to have the proper equipment for success. The Lovin’ Dutch Oven curriculum explains what equipment you need and tells you how to use it. It would be highly recommended to read the curriculum completely prior to buying anything. The process becomes clearer as you read. Find a shady spot outside and start the adventure of dutch oven cooking. The end results are very tasty.
I was using the `12 inch dutch oven produced by Lodge. You will see that it is on legs which allows for the coals to be underneath the pan. The two dutch ovens can be placed on top of each other so that the cook can use one set of coals for both pots.
Tish Roland, the 4-H Agent, found this to be a rewarding experience. The parking lot was the setting for this event. Two entrees were prepared and cooked. Jambalaya and Ravioli in sauce cooked in the dutch ovens for their tasting. It was realistic as after a hurricane you would be outside preparing food. The smells were also wonderful. You might find that you the neighborhood will arrive due to the great smells!
If you have any questions feel free to contact Tish Roland at This is a new experience for her and she will try hard to help you with your questions. Dutch oven cooking is a safe and dependable way to cook. If you happen to find a recipe that is good please share it with me. I also love photos.