Summertime is mosquito time

Summertime is upon us following a relatively wet winter. Hot weather and summer showers help mosquito populations fluorish. While a mosquito can deliver an annoying bite, they can also transmit diseases.

There ARE a few things that citizens can do to make our neighborhoods less conducive to these irritating insects.

The most important step to reducing mosquito populations is to eliminate breeding sites around your home.

Standing water – Even very small amounts of standing water can be a brood chamber. Empty all water holding devices. IN addition to tires leaning against the garage, other containers should be investigated. Large saucers under plant pots, children’s toys left outdoors, empty buckets, and unmanaged pet food bowls can hold water and should be dumped regularly.

Standing water provides the perfect breeding site. Empty even small amounts of water.

While rain barrels are an excellent source of plant water, when created without a screen on top rain barrels are a 55-gallon mosquito nursery. Your local hardware or home improvement store sells pieces of screening very inexpensively.

Insecticides – a product sold under names such as Dunks or Plunks is an extraordinarily safe product (BTi) that can be delivered to standing water such as a neighborhood retention area, or a decorative pond.

Dunks or Plunks kill mosquitos but don’t harm fish or other wildlife.

What else can I do?

Breeze – Even small breezes can keep lightweight mosquitoes from being able to land on you. When outdoors, keep a fan blowing to disrupt their flight patterns.

Citronella – Other than an enjoyable fragrance, don’t waste money on citronella candles and similar homemade remedies. Studies show that the citrus-y smoke provides little widespread or long-lasting deterrence.

DEET – When applied right to the skin, DEET is a very effective product. While mosquitoes will still land on you then usually don’t bite. DEET worn as a bracelet or clip-on device are not nearly as effective. Use sparingly on small children, and avoid getting into eyes or accidental ingestion. As with any chemical, always read and follow label directions.

After assuring that your landscape is free to standing water, you can contact the Citrus County Mosquito Control for further action at 352-527-7478 or enter online at

Help make your barbeque season more appealing by delivering a one-two punch to breeding mosquitoes, protecting you and your family from their annoying bites. For more information visit,


Posted: May 8, 2018

Category: Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Control, DEET, Mosquito, Rain, Rain Barrels, Standing Water, Summertime

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