Foolproof Lawncare: Bahiagrass

Of all the turfgrass types suited for South Florida landscapes, it doesn’t get any easier than Bahiagrass. It typically requires less irrigation and nutrient (fertilizer) requirements than most other turfgrass types and is also less susceptible to major pests and diseases which target other grasses such as St. Augustine and Zoysia.


As with all turgrasses, studies show that the taller Bahiagrass leaf-blades are allowed to grow, the more drought-tolerant the turf becomes, due to deeper root growth, and also, the turf is less susceptible to pests such as mole-crickets (click this link for more information on mole crickets). The recommended mowing height for Bahiagrass is between 3 to 4 inches.


Unlike some other turfgrass types, Bahiagrass has the ability to undergo a drought-induced dormancy during dry weather and rejuvenate once irrigation/rainfall resumes, with no long-term adverse effects to plant health. This makes it the ideal choice for landscapes which do not have an automatic irrigation system.  To learn more about irrigating Bahiagrass lawns, click on this link.


Although it has relatively lower nutrient requirements than  other turfgrass types, Bahiagrass grown in soils with a pH less than 7.0 can show iron deficiency symptoms. However, because iron-uptake is pH-dependent, it is best to perform a soil pH test prior to treating turf for an iron deficiency.  To learn more about appropriate turf fertilizer recommendations click this link.


As temperatures drop during cooler weather, plant growth rates typically stagnate. In some cases, Bahiagrass turf can remain green once temperatures fall below 75 degrees Farenheit, but less frequent mowing is recommended because growth processes have slowed down due to dormancy. To learn more about turf dormancy click this link.

Click this link for more information on fool-proofing your Bahiagrass lawn.


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Posted: June 30, 2022

Category: Horticulture,
Tags: Lawns

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