It’s the Holiday Season!
The holidays are once again upon us. And that means holiday spending! For many people, it can be a time of stress, frustration, and financial uncertainty as they drive themselves past their limits to try to make everyone happy and everything perfect.
One of the biggest seasonal stressors is spending too much on gifts, food, and home décor. While it may seem worth it at the time, buyer’s remorse may quickly set in after the New Year when the bills start rolling in.
Curb Unnecessary Holiday Spending by Creating a Budget
The most important thing that can be done to help curb holiday spending is to set a budget.
Maybe going all out for Christmas is a family tradition. Great! If it is, however, the best thing to do is to make a plan to save the money over the preceding months so it will be available to spend when the time comes. Spending money that is not in the budget or overusing credit are surefire ways to increase debt and cause strife later.
The holidays should be about family, friends, and the joy of giving. It should not be a competition to see who can have the biggest, brightest, most fabulous home, gifts, etc.
Retailers and the media work hard to send the message to consumers that the latest this or the greatest that are needed to get the full holiday experience. However, it is important to resist their messaging and stick to the determined budget.
Including children in any discussions about holiday spending is important. Let them know that there is only a certain amount of money available to spend on gifts and help them understand the importance of sticking to the budget. While parents may feel pressured to get everything on their child’s wish list, focusing on a few special items will help families stay on financial track.
Cash and debit cards are the best ways to pay. If the money is coming directly out of pocket, consumers are more likely to be more cautious before spending. Use credit cards wisely. Choosing to purchase with credit in order to receive airline miles or rewards points is fine, but keep close track of all purchases and only charge as much as can comfortably be paid off in its entirety when the bill comes due. Avoid the pitfall of still paying off this year’s holiday spending next Christmas.
Some of the most meaningful and treasured gifts are those that come from the heart. Custom, handmade gifts really show a person they are valued.
One large gift for an entire family that everyone can enjoy can also save money over buying something for each individual. Many people also appreciate a donation in their name to a charity or cause that is near and dear to their hearts.
The holidays do not need to be stressful or break the bank. By adopting a few smart spending practices, you can enjoy the holidays without the added worry.
To learn more about creating a spending plan, read the UF/IFAS fact sheet “Building a Spending Plan: All Six Steps.”
For more information on holiday spending and strategies for creating a smart holiday spending plan, please call Samantha Kennedy at (850) 926-3931.
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