Super Bowl-54 Salad Options

Many people enjoy a variety of fun and tasty foods when watching the Super Bowl. Some are healthier than others! Why not incorporate a large fresh salad bowl as a nutritious option for you and your guests?

Are you aware of the health benefits of increasing fruit and vegetable consumption? USDA’s food guidance system, MyPlate, recommends making half of your plate a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Fill your salad bowl with a super variety of seasonal, healthy ingredients.

Many of us enjoy and incorporate at least one salad into our meal plan each day. A bowl of green, crisp salad packed with fresh ingredients is full of nutrients and fiber. There are so many options and colors of vegetables and fruit to choose from.

FIBER-Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber. Adequate fiber intake helps us maintain good health by reducing the risk of some types of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Eating a wide variety of plant foods help us to increase fiber intake.

COLOR-Select a different color of fruit and vegetables, as they are packed with different vitamins and minerals. Even lettuce (greens) comes in colorful choices such as iceberg, kale, spring mix, and spinach. Fresh herbs make a great addition to salads too. Adding color adds flavonoids, which are organic compounds that occur naturally in plants. Those found in foods have potential health benefits. Check out Facts about Flavonoids here –

FRUIT-It is not just vegetable ingredients that make a delicious salad, but fruit goes well in a garden salad too. Many people eat far less fruit than is recommended for good health. Apples, mandarin oranges, star fruit, blueberries, and strawberries are tasty salad additions. Fruits provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals, which promote good health and help reduce the risks of chronic disease like cancer and heart disease.

SEASONAL EATING-There seems to be a growing season for everything. In Florida, for example, avocado season generally runs from late June to February. Sliced avocado is very tasty in a tossed salad and avocados are rich in Vitamin A and potassium. I have heard that avocado is one of the most commonly purchased Super Bowl ingredients. It is used to prepare delicious guacamole, as it is mashed up and mixed with onions, tomatoes and seasonings.

Check out this link for more information on the avocado from UF/IFAS Extension, South FL Tropicals-Avocado-

You can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables in Florida by growing them in your own yard, even if you live in an urban area. You could try a raised bed or container garden to grow edible fruits and vegetables.

FOOD PREPARATION-Salads are easy to make if you don’t mind chopping, peeling and cutting. Pre-chopped vegetables, such as onion, green, red, yellow peppers, and celery are available in the grocery store to save you time, if time is a concern.

I love to bake a sweet potato, chop it up and add it to a fresh salad. It adds a great flavor!

RECOMMENDATION-Go light on the salad dressing, as overuse of salad dressing can contribute a significant number of calories to the diet. Try the low-fat or light dressings instead.


Healthy salad choices and combinations are endless. Here are 54 ideas to try for your next healthy and super bowl of salad:

1. Roasted chickpeas
2. Arugula
3. Kale
4. Spinach
5. Romaine
6. Watercress
7. Chard
8. Red Cabbage
9. Bok Choy
10. Lima beans
11. Tomato
12. Onion
13. Green Peppers
14. Yellow Peppers
15. Red Peppers
16. Strawberries
17. Black beans
18. Cucumber
19. Avocado
20. Black olive
21. Cauliflower
22. Carrots
23. Broccoli
24. Mushrooms
25. Peas
26. Snap peas
27. Green onion
28. Garlic
29. Cilantro
30. Quinoa
31. Lentils
32. Leeks
33. Beets
34. Brussel sprouts
35. Nuts
36. Seeds
37. Apple
38. Grapefruit
39. Pomegranate seeds
40. Mandarin oranges
41. Corn
42. Radish
43. Artichoke
44. Grilled apricot
45. Sweet potato
46. Grilled asparagus
47. Chopped ginger
48. Fresh dill
49. Blueberries
50. Wheat berries
51. Couscous
52. Squash
53. Green Beans
54. Grilled or fresh peaches

FOOD SAFETY-Vegetables and fruit are important to a healthy diet. They can become contaminated from things such as manure, contaminated water, animals and insects. Leafy greens, fruits and vegetables must be properly cleaned. If not, foodborne illnesses can spread. Remember the basic food safety principles-cook, clean, chill and separate. Wash all ingredients before chopping or cutting. Sanitize your cutting boards and/or food choppers between uses.

Example: Place small fruits and berries into a colander or bowl and rinse with tap water—be sure to stir the berries around, so they all get an even wash, if needed.

See more information on washing fruits and vegetables-UF/IFAS Extension, Washing Fruits and Vegetables-

By properly washing your fruits and vegetables before eating them,

you can diminish the chances of becoming sick from a foodborne illness.

EATING FOR GOOD HEALTH-Eat right and follow the USDA guidelines. Add plenty of fruit and vegetables to make your salads super tasty, which can lead to a healthier diet. Get daily exercise and move more. Drink enough water to stay properly hydrated. Practice moderation in amounts and portion size. Select a variety of food choices every day which will provide a variety of nutrients. Enjoy life.


• UF/IFAS Extension Broward County website-
• UF/IFAS Extension Broward County blogs-
• UF/IFAS Extension SFYL, Family Resources-
• USDA Choose MyPlate-
• UF/IFAS Extension, Facts About Fiber-
• UF/IFAS Extension, Healthy Eating: Salad Suggestion-
• UF/IFAS Extension, Healthy Eating-Create Your Plate-
• UF/IFAS Extension, Fruits and Vegetables in FL-






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Posted: January 31, 2020

Category: Health & Nutrition,
Tags: 54 Options, Avocado, Container Garden, Diminish The Chance Of Getting Sick, Eating For Good Health, Fiber, Food Preparation, Food Safety, Foodborne Illness, Fruits, Guacamole, Healthy, Raised Bed, Salad, Super Bowl, Super Bowl Of Salad, Vegetables, Washing Fruits And Vegetables

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