The MRC is a leading nonprofit organization at the forefront of rainforest conservation, operating at both the La Suerte Biological Field Station in Northeastern Costa Rica and the Ometepe Biological Field Station on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua, to address growing concerns in rainforest deforestation, the illegal pet trade, women’s empowerment, and community health.
Protect rainforest ecosystems. At our strategically-located field stations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, we’ve reforested deforested lands and have protected forested lands from clearing. We’ve protected wildlife in these areas from capture and hunting.
Increase awareness of conservation issues. We offer field schools where undergraduate and graduate students take classes based on the ecology of the region and community needs. These classes (including primatology, rainforest ecology, veterinary field missions, medical field missions, and many more) give students the opportunity to explore rainforests, understand unique challenges in conservation, and gain hands-on experience in ecological and medical sciences.
Maintain relationships with local communities. It is the philosophy of the MRC that the strongest allies rainforests have are local communities. Community wellness and environmental education foster greater conservation efforts for our rainforests. We work with women entrepreneurs, school children, and other community members on a variety of outreach initiatives.