The University of Missouri‐Columbia invites nominations and applications for the position of Assistant Teaching Professor in the Division of Animal Sciences, an academic unit of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
Qualifications include:
- PhD in Animal, Dairy, or Poultry Science
- Training in livestock production and management
- Desire to deliver high quality experiential learning opportunities
- Evidence of ability as an outstanding teacher
The position is located in Columbia, a family‐friendly community of 120,000 half‐way between St. Louis and Kansas City. The Division of Animal Sciences has 29 ranked faculty members, and approximately 50 graduate students and 450 undergraduate students. The Animal Sciences Research Center has state of the art classroom and teaching laboratory facilities. University Farms housing beef and dairy cattle, horses, swine, sheep and poultry are within 12 miles of campus. These farms are actively involved in the teaching mission of the Division.
To apply, please apply online via Human Resources‐a‐job/index.php.
Applications should include: a letter of interest addressing the qualifications, a comprehensive curriculum vitae and the names and contact information (physical addresses, phone numbers, e‐mail addresses) of three references.
References will be contacted when appropriate.
Questions regarding this position should be directed to Dr. Trista Strauch, Search Committee Chair, at or by phone at (573) 882‐2644.
Review of applications will begin 4/2/2018. The position is open immediately, with an expected start date no later than 8/1/2018.