The 4th H for Health in Alachua County

Healthy Living
4-H healthy living programs help youth lead lives that balance physical, mental and emotional health.

Healthy living is a common topic that comes up in our culture today. 4-H is taking our “4th H,” Health, and implementing it into our programs. We want to offer hand on learning experiences for youth to learn about healthy habits. There are a variety of ways and subjects in which youth can learn.

What makes 4-H different from other programs is that we are education based and research backed with the curriculum and youth development. University publications such as this one on Nutritional health, are available for youth. Alachua County is participating in a statewide grant, 4-H Food Smart Families, with United Health Care which teaches them to plan, shop and prepare meals on a budget. Alachua county also has Healthy Living Teen Ambassadors. These youth are chosen to help work with adults in teaching programs and be advocates in their prospective clubs.

I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.”

Ways to get involved with the Fourth H in 4-H

  • Participate in a club who is doing these activities (they are highlighted in our club directory)
  • School Enrichment Program
  • SPIN Running Club and Annual Little Run on the Prairie 5K
  • Healthy Living Summer Camps
  • Healthy Living Project


For more information about 4-H Healthy Living check out:


Posted: August 14, 2017

Category: 4-H & Youth

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