AEC Gathering – November AttaGators

We are One Team. We Develop People. We Build Relationships.

We Collaborate Enthusiastically. We Lead with Integrity. We Achieve the Extraordinary.


The faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication work diligently each day to embody the core values of AEC. Every week, we come together for AEC Gatherings, where we explore new topics, connect with one another, and recognize individuals nominated for AttaGators. These awards celebrate those who exemplify our departmental values, as nominated by their peers.

Below are the AEC AttaGators for the month of November:


We are One Team.


7 female graduate students who are apart of the GSA officer team

Juan Montealegre, Kyleigh Hilburn, Kiera Packer, Dorcas Sunday, Elanie Mason, Cassandra Goff, and Maggie Murphy

“I wanted to take a moment to recognize the exemplary service of the AECGSA officer team so far this year! They have eagerly and enthusiastically tackled many projects and planning events to connect our graduate student community and help our students develop professionally. They bring amazing ideas, insights, and solutions to every GSA meeting, and I appreciate each and every one of their efforts. Thank you all for your continued service for our graduate students!”

– Nominator



Two female graduate students smiling and holding the AEC AttaGator stuffed alligator

Rachel Biderman and Taylor McKinney

Rachel and Taylor were nominated for they exemplary work at Teaching Assistants this semester.

“Because of them, AEC 4434 has been an even better class and has carried on without interruption. I am proud and grateful to have them on this team!”

– Dr. Greenhaw




We Collaborate Enthusiastically.


Jessica Switzer, Elanie Mason, & Suzanna Browning

Jessica, Elanie & Suzanna  were nominated for working together to design and implement a research project. They worked extremely well together to  divide, conquer, and successfully conduct quality research work as a team. Their efforts made the analysis process seamless and allowed team members to all contribute to the project.

Jovan Murray

Jovan was nominated for his hard work and dedication to AEC over the course of the past two years.

“He strives to provide knowledge, innovation, and energy in the workplace. He takes pride in his work and holds himself and those he works with to a high standard of excellence. His attention to detail makes everyone else’s job easier, including myself. He has built relationships in the department and across campus. He truly cares about the people he serves and the work that he does. Jovan does all of this while also working towards the completion of his Master’s Degree. Thank you for your endless support of our business procedures, financial management and the people that we serve. You are a true asset to AEC!”

– Nominator



We Develop People.


Two graduate students and one faculty member posing with the AEC AttaGator stuffed alligator

Dr. Sadie Hundemer

“Dr. Hundemer paved the way for our research team to co-lead three workshops/presentations at the NAAEE (North American Association for Environmental Educators) research symposium. She alleviated our symptoms of Imposter Syndrome and gave us the confidence we needed to speak in front of leaders in this field. And I must say, we pulled it off! I think the department would be so proud of what we all accomplished under Dr. Hundemer’s leadership. All-in-all, Dr. Hundemer represents all the core values of this department on a daily basis. The NAAEE conference was simply a place where her demonstration of these values came together to achieve the extraordinary.”

– Nominator


We Build Relationships.


Caitlin Lunzmann

Caitlin, President of AEC GSA, was nominated for leading exceptionally with enthusiasm and hard work. In her leadership, she and the AEC GSA team have been organizing regular events for graduate students, providing them with wonderful opportunities to take a break and meet and connect with fellow graduate students.

“Her hard work, strategic planning, and efforts for the welfare of all graduate students continue to amaze me. She is truly an exemplary leader who deeply cares about the people she leads.”

– Nominator



We Lead with Integrity.


Dr. Brian Myers

Dr. Myers was nominated for leading our department with steadfast and selfless leadership.

“We are lucky to have him at the helm. We may forget all of his hard work sometimes because he does it with grace and efficiency. Thank you Dr. Myers for all you do for our department!”

– Nominator



We Achieve the Extraordinary.


Emma Poole, Olivia Lee, Astrid Ericson, Patricia Escobar-Torres, Aubrey Pearce

“These students created and implemented the Streaming Science – Cultivating Wellness: Nurturing Plants and People for the 4-H Work Ready FL and schools throughout the state. We have had a tough semester with hurricane days, changes in class schedules, and personal obstacles. However, this team pulled through and worked enthusiastically and collaboratively to establish a new partnership with the Wilmot Botanical Gardens and Greenhouse and implemented an awesome electronic field trip about horticultural therapy and wellbeing – a topic that is much needed these days. Well done, Team!”

– Dr. Loizzo

Dr. Laura Greenhaw

Dr. Greenhaw was nominated for successfully putting together a workshop abstract for NACTA by collaborating with an AEC faculty member, 2 AEC graduate students, and a strong faculty member from another institution.



Congratulations to each of our November AEC AttaGators!



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Posted: December 11, 2024

Category: UF/IFAS Teaching
Tags: Aec, AECgathering, AttaGator

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