UF/IFAS researcher surveying Florida cow-calf producers and land managers

A UF/IFAS Soil and Water Sciences Department researcher is seeking cow-calf operations in Florida to be part of a survey. Dr. Maria Silveira is leading the effort. The goal is to understand phosphorus balances and budgets in the state of Florida.

a calf in a field
UF/IFAS photo by Marisol Amador

“This survey will be instrumental in helping us estimate phosphorous budget for cow-calf operations. It will also help understand the contribution of the cattle industry to the overall phosphorus budget in Florida,” explained Silveira, a professor of soil chemistry and nutrient management at the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona.

The survey consists of 15 questions related to cow-calf operation. The survey should take about 15 to 30 minutes to complete.

“The more cow-calf producers or land managers who take the survey, the more reliable the data on phosphorus imports and exports will be,” Silveira said.

The survey can be completed online, by mail, or over the phone:

Individual responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Respondents may choose not to answer any of the questions at any time.

The results of the survey will be shared with you through the Florida Cattlemen’s Association magazine. Florida Cattle Enhancement Board funds are covering the cost of this survey.


Posted: July 17, 2020

Category: Farm Management, Livestock, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Cattle, Maria Silveira, Phosphorus, Soil And Water Sciences, Soil And Water Sciences Department, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences

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