Soil and Water Sciences Professor Named Leader of International Group

Dr. Rao Mylavarapu, professor of sustainable nutrient systems in the UF/IFAS Soil and Water Sciences Department and university term professor, was unanimously elected as the Inaugural Chair of the International Governing Council of the International Soil and Plant Analysis Council. His formal leadership role with the organization begins on October 1, 2019. He will serve a two-year term.

headshot of Dr. Rao Mylavarapu, University of Florida
Dr. Rao Mylavarapu

Dr. Mylavarapu will lead a 12-member international group of scientists, which will select the locations and oversee the technical and financial aspects of future symposia. The events will be held in different parts of the world and focus on agriculture, the environment, and sustainability issues. The next symposium is in Vancouver, Canada, in 2021.

The new position adds to Dr. Mylavarapu’s resume of leadership posts. He has served as the president, vice president and secretary of the North American Soil & Plant Analyses Council of the Soil Science Society of America from 2008-2014. He also organized the International Symposia in New Zealand, Greece, China, and the United States, among other locations. Dr. Mylavarapu also serves as director of the IFAS Analytical Service Laboratories in Gainesville, FL.


Posted: September 9, 2019

Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Farm Management, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: IFAS Analytical Service Laboratories, Rao Mylavarapu, Soil And Water Sciences, Soil And Water Sciences Department, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences

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