A Better Search Engine for Gardeners

snip of PIE searchSo often, we are searching for research-based information to solve our gardening questions but the search engine turns up all sorts of sites that we may or may not know and trust. There is now a better way to search for reliable gardening information from trusted universities. The University of Florida IFAS Center for Public Issues Education just announced on January 22, 2016 a custom search engine for Extension service publications. Many top land-grant universities are participating in this project to bring you facts sheets, news releases and other publications that are relevant and science-based.

This valuable tool is not just for gardening information but for any topic that you would expect to be addressed by a university or Extension such as oysters, healthy living and raising chickens.

I have used it a few times to test it out and it works marvelously! Try it yourself!



Posted: January 27, 2016

Category: Horticulture
Tags: General Gardening, Panhandle Gardening, Search Engine, Technology, Winter 2015

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